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we heard later in the evening was that he was dead.
In the evening I played bridge again. Poor Dick was left to amuse himself. I felt guilty about playing so late but there was little I could do about it. When I got upstairs I found Dick in bed, but not asleep. "You smell of smoke"

[[underlined]] Tuesday January 21, 1936 [[/underlined]]
Queen Victoria died on this day in 1901. This means her grandson died 35 years, all but a day, after she did.
The Nova Scotia came in & we got some mail. I got a letter from the West Indian Review saying they would be pleased to consider some articles of mine. Guadeloupe & Barbados were suggested. I'm not as thrilled as I should be.
Dick's proof of his manuscript arrived and I got the bright idea that he should read it to-night so that he could send it back in to-morrow's mail. The poor dear worked late - I went to bed & to sleep.

[[underlined]] Wednesday, January 22, 1936 [[/underlined]]
We got the manuscript in the supplementary mail.
In the afternoon I went to see

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Mrs Garraway but she was out. Came home and listened to Stanley Baldwin's talk - very fine indeed.

[[underlined]] Thursday, January 23, 1936 [[/underlined]]
Nothing much in [[strikethrough]] evening [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] morning  [/insertion]]. In afternoon went to Richmond Hill Club with Mrs Jackson. They have 2 tennis courts - both concrete, and pretty hard on the feet. It was quite a windy day too. Anyway I played tennis - two sets.
After tennis we played bridge. Quite a nice bunch of ladies - and one gentleman Sir Eustace (?). We got home quite late for dinner. Dick began without me, but I soon caught up to him.

[[underlined]] Friday January 24, 1936 [[underlined]]
Dick was out in the morning and at lunch. He came home in time for a late lunch.
In the afternoon we both went to the library. I looked thru' magazines & made notes, Dick read "Bulldog Drummond Returns". We were there until 4.
As we left the assistant librarian remarked to me that we looked like brother & sister - she isn't the first person