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[[double underlined]] Index [[/double underlined]]

[[underlined]] Publications [[/underlined]]

‡ Anthony Adverse - Hervey Allen 88, 96, 97, 98.
‡ Beneath Tropic Seas - Beebe 84.
Bulldog Drummond Returns 78.
Cosmopolitan, magazine 6, 11, 30.
‡ The Curate's Wife - E.H. Young 69.
‡ The Door with the 7 Locks - E. [[strikethrough]] Oppenheim [[/strikethrough]] Wallace 43, 49.
Encyclopedia Brittanica 94.
‡ Ex-Detective - E. Phillips Oppenheim 43.
The Forty Days of Musa Dagh - 102.
‡ Four Frightened People - E. Arnot Robertson 78.
Good Housekeeping, magazine 6.
‡ Green Hell - Julian Duguid. 99.
‡ How I Captured Hauptmann 86.
‡ Jenny Wren - E.H. Young 72.
Kubla Khan 101.
Liberty magazine 30, 96.
‡ Love Can Happen - Hergesheimer 86.
‡ Magic Island - Seabrooke. 46.
‡ Mayerling (The Love & Tragedy of a Crown Prince) 86.
‡ The Moon's Our Home - Faith Baldwin 86.
Palo Alto Times, newspaper 101.
‡ Personal History 16, 96.
‡ The Postman Always Rings Twice - James M Cain 78.
‡ The President's Mystery Story 86
The Queen magazine 87.

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‡ Smoke in Her Eyes - Allene Corliss 97.
Snake Hunter's Holiday - Bridges & Ditmars 11.
These I Will Keep 98.
Thesis of Dick's 76.
‡ Tinsel Lady - Channing Pollock. 86.
Trinidad Guardian, newspaper 7.
West Indian Review, magazine 76.
Woman's Home Companion, magazine 38.

‡ Indicates book or magazine counterpart read by me