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[[preprinted]] 24 [[/preprinted]]

[[margin]] Barbados [[/margin]]  
with Mr Jester - very good. While we were thus engaged a lady came in, from across the street, & told us that Johnstown Penn. & Pittsburgh were both in flood of over 10 ft.
This was the most interesting news of the evening. We couldnt get Pittsburgh over the radio.

[[underlined]] Thursday, March 19 1936 [[/underlined]]  
Went to town this morning. Did darning and nothing much but. In fact most of the day was wasted. I slept in the afternoon until tea time.
Several days ago Dick read "Behind That Curtain" - Earl Derr Biggers - to me. At present we are reading "Stormy Hearts" by Eli Colter. Before this we read "Snowed Under" by Lawrence Saunders

[margin]] Friday 20 [[/margin]]  
In the morning Dick went to town and I began to pack the trunk. We finished this in the afternoon so that the men could take it down stairs in the late afternoon, when they came for Dick's crate.
Miss Harford almost had a fit over this as she asked the men what they were doing in her yard and one didn't answer her. She is a regular old dragon. We certainly cant look forward to any very pleasant parting from her.

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[[preprinted]] 25 [[/preprinted]]

[[margin]] Saturday March 21 [[/margin]]  
We were awakened at 6:30 by the men coming to take the trunk & motor crate. They didn't understand that they were not supposed to get Dick up at that time of day. Right after breakfast Dick went down to pack the [[strikethrough]] tru [[/strikethrough]] motor and when he came home we went to town to do some last minute things. When we got home we realized we had packed all of our money in the trunk - The first really dumb thing we've done.
Right after lunch Dick went down to the boat to get the money out of the trunk. When he came home we had tea sent up to us. Miss Harford seems to be avoiding us as much as possible. We are all prepared for a
"disgusto" as she has hinted more than once that she intends to make us "pay thru' the teeth". I have a feeling that when our first bill came we should have complained, as by our not so doing she most likely thinks she can charge us $25.00 a week instead of $100. a month. Either way it might have resulted in a row, but at least the matter would have cleared earlier.
After tea we paid a few calls to