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St Lucia #4

outer wall which they could get at.  One of the men had all the appearance of a beagle as he sniffed around the cracks, and declared that he could smell them.   As I stood at the corner of the house I saw a rat about 18 inches long scurrying along the rafters.  The men put out a trap but I very much doubt that they will get anything.
[[margin]] March 28 [[/margin]]
     The men were back again this morning, putting putty in holes far too small for any mouse, and blithely forgetting all the larger holes.  The food had all been eaten out of the trap.  I wrote letters most of the morning.
     In the afternoon I took a nap and read.  The rats are still with us.
[[margin]][[underline]] Sunday March 29, 1936 [[/underline]] [[/margin]]
     Dick & Mr Box went out this morning to be gone all day.  Mrs Box asked me to go swimming but I hardly felt like it so I refused.  I spent the morning listening to a gentleman planter -- Mr Deacon (?) -- who lives near Bennery, tell of his experiences.
     I was home reading, practically all afternoon.  Dick got home about 5:30.  He seems to have had a nice trip, but he is now thinking of a week-end trip with Mr Box.

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[[margin]] March 30 [[/margin]]
     Been here a week to-day.  Our first bill was $18.80 - which will make it just a little more than $80 a month.  Now that I'm getting used to the rats I dont find it so bad I wasnt feeling exactly fit to-day so I rested most of the day.
     I read "Plagued by the Nightingale" by Kaye Boyle (Jonathan Cape) 1931.  Like many books of this kind it has an unsatisfactory ending -- perhaps I should say incomplete.  I dont like to have too much left to my imagination.  Having such a good one (imagination) I can always think of innumerable endings, and I always wonder which ones the author really had in mind -- the obvious or subtle ones?
[[margin]] March 31 [[/margin]]
     Dick went out in the country to-day.  I spent the morning trying to pull together an article on St Vincent.  Rather a discouraging task.  I should take such work more seriously.
     As I expected Dick home early, I got a little worried about his late return.  However he was home by 5 so I should have spent my time to better profit.
     Mother recently answered the following questions for me so I think this is a good place to record them.  Dad was 60 last

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