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St Lucia #14
didnt want me to come as [[strikethrough]] I[[/strikethrough]] she would very likely upset me. [[strikethrough]] more. [[/strikethrough]] I asked her to stay here if she thought she would feel better, but she wanted to be alone, so perhaps it was best.
I was just listening to the end of the First Nighter play when the boy came down from the hotel to say Miss Lockhart had a room ready for me - and wouldn't I like to come up there to sleep. I hadn't thought of doing that, but it hit the spot. There aren't many people who are that thoughtful and considerate (Mrs B. to the contrary again). Miss Lily was going to sleep up in case the men should come home & need anything. I tried to dissuade her - but to no avail.
I went to bed in room #2 but didn't sleep much. Some of the thoughts passing thru' my mind were ...... how would one go about organizing a search party ..... was the hospital here capable of taking care of serious injuries ...... would we be forced to return to the U.S. if Dick broke a leg or an arm ....... if anything happened to Dick would I remain I widow long? (no -- ^[[insertion]] not. [[/insertion]] if I found anyone half as good as he) ..... this second marriage would not be 

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for love, but for companionship ..... why think of such things when one has faith in the kindness of an Almighty? .... how annoying that the blowing wind sounds at times like a car arriving ..... I wish the man in the next room would not talk in his sleep, as it makes me think that is the men arriving ..... what is the mattress on this bed made of that it is so full of prickles? Finally sleep stole upon me.

[[margin]] Saturday April 11, [[/margin]]
I was awake at seven. I had a talk with Mrs Box and she was much calmer now that day was here. She telephoned Roseau to find if the boys had arrived - they hadnt. Mr Ayliner a man who had gone with Mr Box previously, told her that if the men had to camp out they couldnt be home before 11.
After breakfast I decided to come down & busy myself until eleven at least. No/use demanding that something be done before then. Also, for some reason or other I felt perfectly confident (more so than last evening) that all was well. I took all the clothes out of the trunk looking for mildew, moths, or little black cocoons such as I found on my satin blouse.