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St Lucia 20. 

catches the flies attracted by the food. We try to help him by disturbing the flies so that they will fly in his direction. I wish he would catch mosquitoes as well as he does flies.
After tea I prevailed on Dick to take a walk with me to the Morne behind the hotel. We took the short way up and the long way home. When we came to government house we went in and signed The Book. That is one duty accomplished. 

[[margin]] April 16 Thurs. [[/margin]]  
We wont go to Soufrière until next Monday. By that time we should both be feeling up to snuff. After breakfast I did some darning & Dick finished reading "Our Mr Wrenn" to me.
I shall copy a portrait of an Englishman which appeared in "The Caribee" for March 1936 - Edited by A.T. Pollonais at 73 Prince St Port of Spain Trinidad. It is in Trinidad - St Vincent Volume of my Journal.
I must cause Dick no end of worry by my constant objections to moving around.

[[margin]] April 17. [[/margin]]  
I'm still reading "Queens of Crime" & Woollcotts "While Rome Burns" - the later is good. The former not so good.
  This morning we were given a sample of Miss Lily Lockhart's dislike of Mrs Box. There was

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a dinner party last night - 2 in fact - Mr & Mrs Box & 2 men from the cable ship
"Enterprise" which leaves Saturday. Anyway Mrs B. was criticized for [[strikethrough]] perfer [[/strikethrough]] pretending to be younger than she is - as well as for playing up to the men, and imbibing. I do so dislike being asked to enter into discussions of personal animosities.

[[margin]] April 18 Saturday [[/margin]]  
I was going to town with the Illingworths, but I started a little too late to go with them. My prime purpose was to buy "a pair of pants" so that I'll be able to ride on the motor when we get to Soufrière. I also had to buy a few drugs. I went to the library to inquire about books - not so encouraging. When I got home I was pretty hot and tired. My "tummy" was acting a little queer too and I [[strikethrough]] was blaming [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] blame [[/insertion]] it on the mangoes.

[[margin]] April 19 Sunday. [[/margin]]  Spent some of the day packing. A most amusing and disagreeable old lady arrived on yesterday's boat. She is very deaf and Capt. Wright-Nooth gets a kick out of immitating her tone of voice. It closely resembles that of a fussy parrot or that of the old witch in the Singing-Lady's fairy tales. Major & Lady Margaret Illingworth left here for Barbados on the Lady Nelson. this eve.