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[[pre-printed]] 64 [[/pre-printed]]
St Remy 3 [[overwrites 4]] - St Lucia 34

I took it easy. He was rather late in coming home because he had had an accident & broke his brake rod. Not too serious. Bad enough. 

[[margin]] Friday May 1 [[/margin]]
    This was a nice day for us as we had not expected mail, yet when Dick went in to town there was a big bunch - and the stamp hinges from Scotts.
    Soon after lunch Dick set to work on the stamps and I helped him a little. After tea Marie & Leonard Devaux came by. I was somewhat obliged to leave Dick to the tender mercy of Leonard while I went upstairs with Marie to find Miss du B.
    Our conversation upstairs began with the invitations - one of which we received - to the garden party at Government House.  
It is really an at home. I added another word to my West Indian conversation
"Calaloo" - meaning a mixed party from white, thru' all shades to deep black. The word itself means a little bit of everything. There were some interesting comments on Administrator Baynes and his Mrs. "they dont pull together very well". He is also quite an admirer of young femenine beauty. To go back to the parties at Government House, most of the white people of the island do not like to go as they are somewhat forced

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[[preprinted]] 65 [/preprinted]]

to mix with the colored people. It is not that they mind [[underlined]] all [[/underlined]] colored people, because they divide them into respectable colored people and others.
    I came downstairs to find Dick looking a little bored, and it wasnt long before I was a little tired of being told what I should do. As well as hearing ^[[insertion]] of [[/insertion]] the excellence of the British stamp catalog. However, our friend brought me a lovely set of Martinique so I should not look a gift horse ............ Mrs Du Boulay & Mrs Devaux (Miss D.B's sister) came by in the evening so they relieved us of the entertainment.
    Mrs Devaux is so nice. Her husband is a commercial artist in New York, but the field is not a specially profitable one at present. She has lived in New York twelve years and considers herself an American.

[[margin]] Saturday May 2. [[/margin]]
    Dick went to town and I sat down to get some letter writing accomplished. I was just in the middle of a letter to Dad when Marie Devaux & Miss Du B. came in. They called me out , and it wasn't until much later in the morning that I learned that Miss du B wouldn't have disturbed me had she known I was busy. The morning was practically wasted