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[[preprinted]] 66 [[/preprinted]]
St Remy 15- St Lucia 36

in talk. I got a little disgusted once or twice with Marie's opinions - such as, we may pay high taxes in Gr. Br. but we have the most wonderful police protection in the world. Thank goodness Miss du Boulay praises the U.S. - far more in many cases than it deserves.
At noon I was cajoled, bribed, intimidated (what have you) into walking much further than I had intended. As a result I was very tired, so after lunch I took a nap.
Dick & I worked on stamps after tea and I read a little. When it came time to light up the lamps there was quite a bit of difficulty as they had not been previously prepared and they needed new mantles, and gas etc. Finally help arrived in the shape of a new lamp from Soufrière estate.
[[double underlined]] Sunday May 3rd 1936 [[/underlined]]
I began this morning right by doing a small wash. My things need washing in warm water and lux - at least once a month. Especially so, after finding a bed bug on my dressing gown last night. My orange blouse has also been attacked by cockroaches - or ants - and a hole is eaten in the sleeve. I have already mended a like hole in my blue skirt.
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After this we worked on stamps, and lunch time seemed to come very soon.
It rained off and on all afternoon so we stayed in doing stamps etc. We are now reading "The Hunterstone Outrage" a mystery by Seldon Truss (Mystery League 1931) we have finished reading "The Stretelli Case" by Edgar Wallace - a collection of short stories.
[[margin]] Monday May 4 [[/margin]]
Rain again to-day. Practically all day. Dick still working on stamps and I'm doing nothing much of anything except read.
In reading "The Pageant of English Poetry published by Oxford University Press I came across some old favorites andsome interesting things. To w [[strikethrough]] h [[/strikethrough]] it.-
The Destruction of Sennacherib - Lord Byron
A Loyal Song - H. Carey Published 1742
"God save great George our King," .....
Sally in our alley - H. Carey.
Kubla Khan - S. Taylor Coleridge.
Song for Saint Cecilia's Day 1687 - Dryden
Alexander's Feast: on the Power of Music - "
"'Twas at the royal feast for Persia war
By Philip's warlike son -
Aloft in awful state 
The godlike hero sate."....