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St. Remy 21 - St. Lucia 42.

prize and a very pleasant one.

[[margin]] Friday May 8. [[margin]]  
Dick & I did, and argued about, accounts most of the morning. Quite a tiring undertaking and not so hot considering the time wasted.
We had an early tea and went out to do some collecting in cocoa pods. We found a likely spot and set to work. We weren't bothered too much by lookers on.  I began to get a little stuffy in the head so we came home so I could get a jacket. Then we went down the hill and worked some more in the breadfruit stumps. Fairly good success again. 
In the evening when we got home we scrubbed the canvass so that it would be a little cleaner - especially whiter - to work on. As the moon is early these days it was up before we came inside. 
We have started reading "Pontifex Son & Thorndyke" by R. Austin Freeman. It has a novel approach for a detective or mystery story.

[[margin]] Saturday May 9. [[margin]]  
We finished writing letters and Dick took them all down to the Post Office. While he was away I washed my hair & tried to dry it in the sun. The sun kept going under clouds so I wasn't very successful.

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  When Dick came home we decided to tackle the Expense account again. Didnt finish it before lunch & after lunch we rested, so did no more this day.
After lunch we got on the motor & went down in a cocoa grove to collect. It was fairly cool where we were, and collecting was excellent. We were so interested in our work and were having such good success that it was after tea time before we noticed how late it was. As we never miss tea we made for home at once. 
As is usual at week-ends Miss du Boulay is going down to Soufrière house for Saturday night & Sunday - so that she can go to early mass. I doubt whether she would be home at all these days were it not that we are here. Her sister Mrs Devaux came up for her in the car and while Miss dB packed I talked with Bèrte.
She told me about her husband's advertising business in New York. It seems he has a partner who likes the bottle rather well, and that is anything but an asset these days. He used to work for Dodd Meade Co & Mrs Devaux never wanted him to start a studio of his own. However they are in it now. She came home