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Dominica #4.

it, and come to a definite decision.
We read and did some stamps in the afternoon. We bought some stamps from a boy here who sells to the tourists at 2 shillings a dozen. We took 19 - with a catalog value much higher than 2/ He sells used Jubilees at face value.  Even at that we had to indulge in serious "picking out".  Most of his stamps are the same ones Wilfred sends me for 1 1/2d a dozen.
As this was Friday we had no meat to-day - we didnt miss it as we had very nice fish, spinach, and eggs to take its place. The other day Dick & I had tripe for dinner. At the time neither of us knew what it was. I suppose Dick doesnt feel any worse for knowing he has eaten it once.
It was quite warm all day to-day. Even in the evening it cooled down very little.  Dick always notices it more than I do.

[[margin]] Saturday May 23 [[/margin]]   Went to Post office in morning to mail two letters of mine to England, get a money order for Stanley John, and mail a copy of Dick's thesis to Jan Moore.  The people in the post office here seem a pretty decent lot. They dont act as if you were just a big bother.
As this was Saturday, of course it was market day. A man tried to sell me a

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baby pig for 10/ and when I told Mr Tavernier about it he said that was about 100% too much.
The other day I bought a can of Cambell's Tomato soup for Dick 1 bob. He had two meals out of it, and I think he enjoyed it that much. We'll try it again soon.
I got our films which were left for development 2/3 a roll. They all turned out altho they are not quite as clear as some of the other ones Dick has taken. It may be the fault of the development.
It felt good to sit down in a tub of cold water - another hot day.  Dick a little grouchy because of the heat. Also because he has to kill so much time - a job he doesnt do well.
The street in front of the Post office - which is upstairs over some other gov't bldgs - seems to be the banana market.  They had huge quantities of fairly nice looking ones. There was also some other fruit.
Just happened to think of Clairice's (pronounced Claire [[strikethrough]] ice (as in it) [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] ice (i as in it) [[/insertion]]) remark the other day about my having a poor appetite
"Madame does not have a very high appetite". [[strikethrough]] ) [[/strikethrough]] She also says Mme's hunger is low.