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Dominica #6

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In the afternoon Mr J.N. McIntyre of the Treasury and another colored gentleman came over & b[[insertion]] r [[/insertion]ought their stamp collections so we could arrange some trades. Mr McIntyre has been collecting a long time and has a pretty fine collection.
The other man specializes only in West Indian stamps. I managed to arrange some trades with the latter, but have arrived at the conclusion that it is foolish for me to try to trade as West Indian duplicates are the only ones I have. Mr McIntyre has some odd lots of foreign stamps which he might be willing to sell to us. Anyway, it was an interesting afternoon.

Sunday May 24th 1936 
This is the day for celebrating Empire Day, but they are making the holiday to-morrow. Dick went out in the morning and I was all settled to do some reading when Mavis Tavernier came out to talk to me. She informs me that we will be unable to see the Knowltons - whom Mr Jester had refered us to - as they have left for their yearly vacation in the U.S. She also told me what a wealthy man Mr Green was as he could afford 2 cars - one for himself and the other for a lady (who isn't his wife). Mavis is quite droll at times.

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Dick doesn't seem very impressed with the place as his collecting has not been very successful. In other respects too, this island will not rate very high.
I spent a good part of the afternoon reading "Men Against Death". I discovered for the first time that Brights disease is not yet curable and that it is quite different from diabetes. I was also interested in the fever [[strikethrough]] curing d [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]]producing [[/insertion]] machine.
Major Bowes was pretty good this evening. Our radio does not "pick up" as well as it used to.

[[margin]] Monday May 25. [[/margin]]   
Dick went out [[strikethrough]] ) [[/strikethrough]] this morning and did manage to find some cocoa. The rest of the town was intrested in Empire Day parades and sports. I stayed home all day. In the afternoon Dick read the "Crossroads of the Caribbean" [[insertion]] (pub Julian Messner) [[/insertion]] -  part about Dominican Republic - and he says it is good and gives an accurate picture. Which is better than the part about Haiti does.
Miss Shillingford - who does drawn work - came by to see if I would like some done. I would, but not if it is too expensive, and she seemed to have no idea of the price she should ask. I suppose the idea is that she will charge