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Dominica #10
[[margin]] Wednesday May 27. [[/margin]    The morning began uneventfully. Dick went to the Treasurer to pay his wheel tax ("tourist fee") (or get what you can as Americans can & should pay). He also went to see if the "a steamer" came in and was told it wouldn't be in until to-night at 7.
Dick and I have often laughed at our necessity for finding ways to kill time. One thousand ways of killing an hour deader than a door nail. This being a rainy day Dick had to rack his brains for ways to keep himself amused. Especially after the blow of not receiving the hinges.
While I'm about it I might as well make my usual list of what I've been reading. 
"Company of the Damned" - Capt. W.J. Blackledge 
"Rich Man's Son" - Cornelius Vanderbilt Jr. 
"Without Warning" - Major G.F. Eliot & Ed. Doherty 
"Gold Is Where you Find it - Clements Ripley 
"The Doctor" (Five Star!) - Mary Roberts Rinehart. 
"Girl of India" Edison Marshall.
Before tea my cheek around my wisdom tooth was aching, so I put a listerine soaked piece of cotton between the [[strikethrough]] tooth [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] cheek [[/insertion]] & gum. It hurt quite a bit but the wad of cotton seemed to take down the swelling. A little yellow matter also seemed to come out of the lacerated cheek. I cant seem to help biting it a little

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every time I eat.
The afternoon was uneventful except for a hurried visit to the library which closes on this island at 5. We were going to see the Museum but it is open only from 9 to 5. We came home by way of the water front and no boat was in sight.

[[margin]] Thursday May 28. [[/margin]]    Our days seem to be spent in waiting for boats that never come in. However, we did get some mail this morning. Among the letters was one from Daddy Blackwelder with the announcement of his election to the National Academy of Sciences. This was the first we knew of it, as our last copies of "Science" are long overdue.
We have been having some fairly warm days lately, but we are lucky enough to get some trade winds in the afternoon. We also have a great many days of liquid sunshine.
Carlo Toulon came by this morning with a whole bunch of stamps of the Ed VII issue of Great Britain. As we suspect that they are not all his we are cutting our price. Strange to say, he took this drastic cut and didn't seem to mind. I suppose 2/ at once is worth more to him than any probable amount in the future.