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Dominica #16.

[[margin]] Wed. June 3. [[/margin]]  
This morning I did a little washing. I washed my dubonnet & white dress - which they told me in Trinidad would not wash - and was sorry I didnt do the deed sooner as it ran very little and certainly came out much cleaner.
I went to town to do some shopping. The things I had to get at the Dispensary were easily obtained, but I had to do a little shopping around for canvass. I'm going to use the canvass to make a pad for Dick to sit on, on the motor. It might make things a little more comfortable for him. The most amusing incident was when I tried to buy a package of fine needles. They simply do not sell things that way here. They sell needles at 3 for 1/2d, and the [[strikethrough]] sizes [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] needles [[/insertion]] are not kept assorted as to sizes so that one has to look thru' innumerable packages in order to find what one wants.
I also got some books at the library. I stayed up there a few minutes looking at the illustrated newspapers. Some have adds for the sale of stamps. The most recent prices on Jubilees are £22 for used set complete and £17 for the mint.
I have had quite a sweet tooth to-day and I easily devoured a 3d bar of canadian

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toffee and "Jersey milk chocolate". If I dont eat it the ants will! - good excuse.
Dick & I worked on stamps a little in the afternoon. After tea, Dick began his very difficult letter to the Atty. General at Antigua. I wrote while he did this. After he finished it we had our usual set to about sentence structure etc. Apart from the few criticisms I had along these lines, the letter was good. In the evening we had some more fun with stamps, listened to the Hit Parade, then to bed.

[[margin]] Thursday June 4. [[/margin]]  
Up betimes or at 5:30. Lovely day and foolishly did not take advantage of it, so back to bed until 7:30. At breakfast Dick courageously asks for lunch, thereby showing his intention of going on a day's outing. No complaint from me. 
The following news items are of interest. Cora Walker & Evelyn McManigal are "expecting". Lynette and Walter Rogers were married May 9th  Margaret & Ted ^[[insertion]] Bonnington [/insertion]] had a baby boy born to them some time in February. Bobby Sours and Sylvia Ching were married last summer. Eleanor W Skipsey & Jane S. Skipsey now have 2 children each. 
  Rep. Zioncheck of Washington seems to be running amuck. Most of the news we've