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Dominica #22 

Museum in the 1880's, and I got the other book because of the honesty of my face.
When we got home Dick realized that he couldnt catalog the book as he had no cards, so went out to look for some stationery and a place where they would cut the cards. The stationery we found at Philipps Variety Store, where Carlo Toulon's sister waited on us, and we had the paper cut at the Chronicle office. We came home well pleased.
In the afternoon I read and Dick cataloged and we did stamps after tea. We have already used 3,000 of the last 5,000 ^[[insertion]] hinges [[/insertion]] sent. As we couldnt believe that the envelopes contain 1000 hinges we counted one and found all but 10 (a liberal margin for error).
In the evening we listened to the Republican Convention and Hoover's speech. There was quite a demonstration after Hoover left the hall and it was with difficulty that Chairman Snell managed to quiet them. Later on Snell introduced Mrs Benjamin Harrison who must be quite an elderly lady by now. We went to bed before the demonstration etc. was ended.

[[margin]] Thurs. June 11. [[/margin]]  Slept rather late this morning, didnt get up until 8. Neither of us felt very inclined to go out, (I believe Dick was moreso

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this was than I), but we mounted our fiery steed and went out to the Layou River. We did some collecting there on the sand bar and I was all for staying and making a real day of it. However, Dick was restless so we went on and up the north bank of the Layou river, [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] as far as Clarke Hall. On the way back we stopped at a pile of cocoa but it was too watersoaked for good collecting. I was a little stiff and tired when we got back home.
In the afternoon I counted stamps - those wrapped in 50's and 100's. I have 5500.
This evening Hamilton, Landon's Mgr gave the nominating speech. It was well received & Landon came very near being unanimosly elected to lead the G.O.P's.

[[margin]] Friday June 12. [[/margin]]  
A rainy day again so we were home most of it. After tea it cleared a little so we went for a walk up to the second bridge crossing the Roseau river. Dick did some collecting with his net, in the lime grove here. Then we came back to the Station (Botanical Gardens [[strikethrough]] " [[/strikethrough]] ) and went up the road between here and the Power station. Did a little more collecting but didnt catch much. Had to rush home on account of rain.