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Dominica #24.

[[margin]] Saturday June 13. [[/margin]]  This morning we acquired 5 big horned beetles. A native woman brought them in a basket and Clarice thought we might be interested - were we! The big ones were 4d a piece the small one 3d. They sell them for 2/ a piece at Self Help.
  After breakfast we went to the library to return books and give Dick a chance to look over their old papers and pamphlets. He didn't find anything more on Staphs. We also went to the P.O. to mail letters as the mail closes [[strikethrough]] tom [[/strikethrough]] for tomorrow's Lady boat. 
We went for another walk this afternoon, to where the River empties into the sea, then along the embankment, and through town to the Cathedral. A lot of people, naked children, and maliferous odors - especially the latter. I dont think we'll try walking through town again.
I got part of Hit Parade over Columbia long wave stations WCAU ^[[insertion]] Penn [[/insertion]] and W.BT Charlotte N.C.

[[underlined]] Sunday June 14, 1936. [[/underlined]]
Corpus Cristi celebration to day. They are planning a parade for this afternoon. So far the day has been very rainy.
Two Lady boats, from north & south are in, and we got some of our first class mail to-day. No letter from Wetmore, but still there is hope. Tomorrow we can better

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tell the tale.
The "Nerissa" goes north tomorrow so we were busy writing a few letters to go out on that. We have had a series of real downpours to-day, but just before time for the parade - at 4 - it cleared a little so [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] it [[/insertion]] went off without the paraders getting wet. Clarice & Mr. Tavernier took part.
I've been groaning around with the pain in my side again. Went to bed after supper as stretching out flat on my back is the best thing for it. Dick massages my back & that helps a lot.

[[margin]] Monday June 15 [[/margin]]  
Got a little more mail this morning and mailed some letters. Still no sign of our magazines or a letter from Wetmore. It may be several days tho' before they get all the second class mail assorted, as they had a lot. No sign of Dick's pen.
At noon Dick went aboard the "Nerissa, with Mr Archer, to give Mr Beam the Purser our tickets which we want him to have extended in New York. It didnt take him long to go & come. He very successfully missed the rain. He came home with 10 Baby Ruths and stories of how filled the "Nerissa" will be the next two trips. We may have no accomodations at all on