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Dominica #26

our next trip to Antigua.
I have started a file for myself - of general knowledge and things which interest me. It is going to be lots of fun as it is the kind of thing I've wanted for ages.
In the afternoon Dick and I worked on stamps. We did Revenue stamps this time.
Dick seems to enjoy reading "Men Against Death" - altho he acted very much as if he didn't care for Paul De Kruif. 
As to-day was the 75th birthday of Mme Ernestine Schuman-Heink they had a very nice birthday celebration for her over the radio. She both spoke and sang. I missed part of it as the bromide caused me to fall asleep in my chair as I was listening.
In the mail I got letters from Paul & Arline, and altho' Paul didnt mention it, Arline told me that Grandma Pugh died on May 12th.

[[margin]] Tues. June 16 [[/margin]]  
As I sit here this morning writing I am reminded of the gift of flowers I received the other day. About lunch time Clarice brought me a vase full of red carnations which she said the lady next door had sent. I was a little surprized to receive a gift from an absolute stranger, but the dawn of suspicion did not descend until I had thought a while upon the matter. Upon questioning Clarice I

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found, (as I had suspected) that the doner was the woman in the better class hut in back of us. I had seen - and she knew I saw - this woman's old servant depositing, dumping, what have you, the contents of a chamber in her yard not so far from our back windows. I suppose the flowers were a bribe to still my tongue, so I wouldnt complain to the health officials. This was o.k. but what infuriated me was to look out the window that same evening and see the old hag doing the same thing. I told Clarice about it and she said she would complain to "the Mistress". It may have done some good as Sunday morning when I got up at 6 I saw the old bag [[strikethrough]] dum [[/strikethrough]] pouring lime on the dumping places. Clarice says she thinks they wont do it again as they were frightened, and I certainly intend to tell Mr Tavernier if I have the least hint of its happening again.
The most amusing thing about it is that this type of person thinks himself better than the black man, but [[strikethrough]] they [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] he [[/insertion]] gives [[strikethrough]] themselves [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] himself [[/insertion]] away by little episodes such as this.
  It is about time I took some notes on the papers & magazines Mr Tavernier

Transcription Notes:
Paul Henry de Kruif was an American microbiologist and author. Ernestine Schumann-Heink (15 June 1861 – 17 November 1936), was a celebrated American operatic contralto.