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Dominica #30

and get rid of the ants. Then we put the candy in a box suspended from the roof by a string. I wonder how long it will take them to discover the candy now.

[[margin]] Wed. June 17 [[overwrites 16]]. [[/margin]]
Dick went out this morning but I had several things I wanted to do at home so I didn't go. I got laundry ready, washed my silk things (which Elena presses,) and then felt ambitious enough to do my hair. Gave it a good shampoo - what an improvement!
My medicine gives me a queer feeling, altho' it stops the side pain. However this afternoon I had a splitting headache, and perhaps a little fever. Dick very kindly read to me from "Men Against Death."

[[margin]] Thurs June 18 [[/margin]]
Hot rainy day to-day. Dick isn't feeling any too well these days. Something seems to be upsetting his stomach. The food is poor. Even a person of my healthy appetite is likely to tire of it. I think we are getting a few more green vegetables, but orange juice is a thing unknown, as oranges are not in season. Dick needs [[underlined]] plain [[/underlined]] food, well cooked, and all we get is peppery, sauced, poorly cooked food. The fish is almost always nice, but unfortunately it is Dicks nemesis. Maybe he will be better when he can get a few avocados to eat. That is something they cant

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spice beforehand!

[[margin]] Friday June 19 [[/margin]]
It was 10 o'clock before we decided to go collecting, but we went up to the Layou river. We couldn't find any fresh cocoa, and the old stuff was pretty poor. I took what I thought was a funny worm out of some dung and Dick pronounced it a Xanthalininae (I always did like the name!) On further searching 4 other kinds (1 of each) of Staphs were found.
In the afternoon I did a little mending, as the laundry came back. I had to complain of the increase in prices as the advance has been as follows 2/8, 3/, 3/, 3/2, 3/11. I did not feel that we had been sending more, and it is best to look into such things. I also finished "Men Against Death". A pretty good book.
Dick took a rest after supper and with him feeling under the weather I was not able to do much. About 10 we decided to go to bed but as we heard the Schmelling - Louis fight coming over the radio we stayed up until the knockout in the 12th round. Most of these black boys around here were pretty disgruntled. They were talking about it very loudly in the street.

Transcription Notes:
Schmelling = Max Schmeling