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to former place. 
It is still raining, has rained most of the time since I landed. I have one pressful drying, including two things I did not get before, Olyra micrantha, very common on upper slopes but all past when I was in Brazil before, and Panicum racemosum (or perhaps urvilleanum). This is the sand binder on the coast outside the bay.
It was all sterile last time. Sunday by searching a mile of it I got 10 specimens with panicles, nearly all I saw. My

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first specimen of Prasp. decumbeus spoiled my key. The first glume on the two spklts of a pair are not alike, one is elongate as in others of the group!
The Southern Cross came into the bay after midnight and was at anchor at dawn, so we missed the impressive entry. My chum and I were out at daylight but fog covered all but the nearer peaks. We landed about 8 o'clock and Dona Maria Bandeira awaited us. We recognized each other