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going out to see her this morning and call on Senhor Moraeis this afternoon, Ambassador Morgan made to appointment for me. I want to go out to see Dr. Sampaio and I hope Dr Editha Suethlage, but I don't want to put off "paying my respects" to Dr. Pachecu Leao and Dr Campas Porto. Dr Kuhlmann is transferred to the Florestal and Dona Maria has his place, so she is not free to give all her time to [[strikethrough]] grasses [[/strikethrough]] masses now. I want to see Dr. Sampaio 

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before we go to Pico da Bandeira because it was in Espirito Santo (whence we ascend) that he got Olyra Sampaiana, and lac "Reeve" is not on map. I've just found it in Guia Levi (Ry guide I bought first day). 
By help of Senhor Braga, Bras. Protestante to whom I [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] had a letter I deposited my $2000 (16820$ changed at Nat City Bank, with 34$ Bras. tax to pay) at Banco Brasil and have letter of credit on banks in interior. Banco Brasil is clearing house for all the banks of Brasil. It took half an hour of Senhor Braga's