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[[in pencil]] [7d.] [[/pencil]]

my cordial welcome at Vienna in 1922. - So, in spite of continuous rain, things are progressing. But I [[underlined]] wish [[/underlined]] it would stop raining. I [[strikethrough]] did [[/strikethrough]] delivered the things I brought for the missionaries. [[circled text, with arrow to insert it after "delivered" above]] on rainy days [[/circled text]] [[strikethrough]] days. [[/strikethrough]]
I've just looked in phone book and find Berlitz school here. If it still rains tomorrow after I've been to Jardin Bot I'm going to Berlitz and take a dose of Portuguese each day it rains. A young Russian who lives here, and who handled my baggage for me when I got out what I needed was so fair I spoke to him in German after agonized efforts to say what I wanted