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dictator if not king. Miss Brandt said a king is mooch better - look at Brasil. The discussion was interesting, the man saying Brasil had an exceptionally wise king who did much for the country, but one president (didn't catch his name) had done more for progress in 5 years than all Don Pedro had done. But she was unconvinced - France, all the countries, would be much better if they had a king. Poor soul, she is kind to me and brave to work for her living when she obviously wasn't brought up to do it, but her bitter scorn often appears: "You [[underlined]] pay [[/underlined]] them and 

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then you have to say 'Do me a favor.'" ("Faça favor" begins practically [[strikethrough]] begins [[/strikethrough]] every sentence demanding anything) 
And I remembered that Brasilian slaves revolted over 100 years ago, though many remained to be peaceably freed in 1888 [[overwrites: 1889]]. It struck me that revolted slaves and workers who had wrought a revolution alike demand "please" when they work for one, even when they are paid, too. Getting away from the hated Bolshevics ^[[insertion]] (she has been here 5 years) [[/insertion]] she still has to say "faça favor" to her servants and tradespeople. Tough luck, she ought to have gone to U.S. where "niggers know their place" and where workers that preach revolution