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Chronicle of excurção to Serra da Caparaó
Left Rio Nov 19, 5:40 a.m. Train ran around the bay, Avacinnia mangroves before reaching Merity where Cuyler and I botanized in Jan 1925. Passing the mangrove marshes, long stretches of low ground full of Pasp virgata group, P. millegrana commonest, and the one with long pyramid al panicles  (no tenable name as I recall our list);
[[image - sketch of grass head, tapering to a point]]
Erianthus with lovely silvery pink panicles, quantities of Typha forming pure stands, grassy stretches again with Androp. bicornis, its bushy tops just fluffing out. Echinochloa sabulicola (E. crusgalli cruspao) [[underlined]] I think, [[/underlined]] very tall, rather infrequent;
another Echinochloa with long reddish runners extending into water, with coloring of  Panicum chloroticum nearby.  Dry slopes full of Imperata (shorter panicle sp), some Androp. leucostachys (probably); Jaragua (Hyparrhenia rufa) becoming abundant at north end of Est. Rio de Jan.  After leaving bay region much sugar came grown to Macahé on coast and north, Campos being a big town, center of sugar cane industry.  Many carloads of cane, most red to crimson, and most of the children chewing cane.  Oxen or bullocks and wooden-wheeled carts used for