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special passport and two letters with gold seals. Consul was very nice - said he would send them down to Rio one at a time, their mail pouch being small.
I have not heard from Miss Brandt about those I shipped to her in a trunk, but I am assuming the[[strikethrough]] y [[/strikethrough]] trunk reached her. I'd be heart broken if it didn't for that was my precious Diamantina lot.
I am still held up here by the washout. The railway said "probably a week" when the track was washed

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out and if the train goes Sunday night, as I [[underlined]] hope, [[/underlined]] that will be just a week. I saw the Maxwells yesterday. They said they would be glad to have me go with them to their station in southern Matto Grasso. It is 2 days by caminhão south from Campo Grande. I'll come back alone and go to ^[[insertion]] the [[/insertion]] western border and botanize back eastward. The Maxwell's go on the Tuesday train, I on the Sunday (if it runs) and wait for them at Tres Lagoas, giving me two days to collect there.
It is terribly trying to one's patience to be held up here.