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The [[strikethrough]] se [[/strikethrough]] ^[[insertion]] last two [[/insertion]] I got near a tiny lake where I saw two enormous birds, white bodies and black
heads and necks; "tuyuyu" is the name. Also got Synth cuyabense there and other things I hadn't yet found in Matto Grosso. Farther south I got a fragile - panicle
Eragrostis that keys to Swallen's E. viscinodis [[insertion]] * [[in blue pencil]] paraguayen [[/in blue pencil]] [[/insertion]] - awful thing to put in press, fragile as spun glass; Elionurus chlorostachys possibly, green, anyway. I found Pasp [[strikethrough]] schumannii [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion, in blue pencil]] cinarescens [[/insertion, in blue pencil]] again. 
[[margin, written vertically, bottom to top]] * tell him to look up E. matto grossensis Pelg. [[/margin]]
I got [[margin, vertical line in blue pencil]] 66 numbers on the way down, not or scarcely repeating species. Of course [[/margin, vertical line in blue pencil]]