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but none of the other letters before I scrubbed a 3-days accumulation of dirt off me. The "wash rooms" on Brasilian dormitorios as well as day trains are merely wash bowls and water set in a tiny recess, not inclosed, so one can't wash very far down.
Yes, only you (and Swallen) understand the risks one will take for grasses. However I'm not foolhardy, by any means. No, Mrs Mexia wasn't any [[underlined]] help [[/underlined]] ! [[symbol for: new paragraph]] ΒΆ I wasn't "laid up" after the trip. I finished drying my plants and dried all the wet driers, did all sorts of things and wrote that long

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report, in stocking feet - heavy "Boyville" stockings. I was off to Cabo Frio in a week. (I'm referring to Smithsonian notes).
I hope your African labels have come before this. My sister writes that Rose is mounting African grasses, so I suppose they have. Please don't have all distributed before my return. I'd like to see them.  For Trichropteryx you'll find in bookcase under Chase, a mus. compilation of all species published from Africa. It may help a little.
Yes, I have a good compass, but it doesn't find trails for me. I suppose the getting lost