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9   [[Div ?]]   [[pencil, not AC's hand]] March 6, 1930 [[/pencil]]
fix up some of the old Agrost drawings. I think I've picked out some to fix and they are listed or indicated in some way. Nobody can do such work as Mrs. Gill did.
I am sorry I did not get more done on the Manual but I'll work on it for all I'm worth, while I'm waiting for Brazil labels.
[[left margin two diagonal lines, right margin two diagonal lines, to set off this text]]
Has Maxan had shelves put in our upstairs room yet? - - Letter of Jan 28: [[strikethrough]] If [[/strikethrough]] ^[[insertion]] Since [[/insertion]] you are to sail June 6 I am going to write to Munson to change my sailing to earlier steamer. I had said May 21, which reaches N.Y.

Transcription Notes:
Mrs. Gill = Mary Wright Gill