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away I can't be less use than Dr. Griggs was. I'll be glad if they appointed some one else, but if no one was found willing I'll continue [[symbol for: new paragraph]] ¶  In a letter from my oldest sister she says Rose is busy mounting African grasses, so I suppose she took them. She had a bad fall in January and was badly shaken up. though no bones broken. She is so frail. I hope she is improving. There is another letter from you I seem to have mislaid (I was in such a rush) in which you said Mrs. Swallen might do some mounting.[[symbol for: new paragraph]] ¶ I heard of Justice Taft's death while in S.Paulo - alas, that Hughes succeeds him. [[symbol for: new paragraph]] ¶ I've been out at interval stirring up the hotel about my trunks. On the way here I saw some very good grass country near the station south of here, 22 km. I'm going to take the train back there