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but rachis is narrow); a great big Panicum of Virgata group keys to [[underline]] ligularis [[/underline]] ^[[insertion]] is [[/insertion]] but doesn't look as I ^[[insertion]] think I [[/insertion]] remember that; another Thrasya that looks very like my tall puzzle but spikelets different; Androp. sulcatus, I think; Arthropogon not the species found before; 2 Syntherismas new for me; Trichachne new for me; that tiny Aristida - sancta lucial is one of its synonyms ^[[insertion, black ink]]; (capellacea?) [[/insertion, black ink]] Heteropogon - goyazensis I suppose, can't recall if there were more. In all I got more than 70 numbers, but there
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were two or three ferns for Maxon. It rained in torrents about 5. I had engaged the auto man to meet me at 5 at a certain building some 3 km. out (it is the last few km with nothing but weeds and a heavy load that weary one) but he did not come. I took refuge in a hut where a kind woman  beckoned to me. I got a ride back with a passing car. I had left my press out in the sun and hadn't seen anyone around to ask to take it in if it rained - there was not sign of rain in the morning. I was dreadfully

Transcription Notes:
Latin names Googled.