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Goyandira yielded a good harvest.  Another new is an Ichnanthus I'd seen (and collected with 1/2 no. to discard if I found better) with inflorescence [[underline]] just [[/underline]] coming out of sheath.  I left, with everything dried or in driers at 2:20 and have just washed up here and waiting for jantar.
March 28 Uherlandia
I saw the American missionary, George Hurst, at Araguary last night.  He gave me a letter to a "creute" ("believer" as Protestants are called) here and I found his house after much effort.  After convincing him that the senhora could stand long and hard journeys he said after almoca he would

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see someone about auto or caminhao and I am to wait here at hotel till he comes.  I'm also waiting for my trunks and for almoca.  Waiting seems to be my chief occupation!  Can't change driers till my trunks are delivered.  It is sunny Gott sei dank!
It was most pleasant to meet the Hursts last night.  they had gone to "culta" (prayer-meeting) when I found their house.  A neighbor was going too, and I went with her.  After the meeting they took me home and we had tea with lemon.  You have to endure many thirsty days in Brasil to know how good tea with lemon is!