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was a bench in the main room with all the men but I didn't think much of that. After a while José asked me where I'd [[underlined]] prefer [[underlined]] to sleep. I said the car, but that he was going to stay in that.  He said he would sleep in a hammock and I could sleep in the car. The men all protested at once the senhora would be afraid. Jose laughed and said something I didn't understand and carried out my satchel. He fixed up a tiny light inside the car, showing me where to switch it off. Then he took
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off his pistol and put it in the pocket on the door of the car for [[underlined]] me [[/underlined]], got out his gun for himself and said boa noite. I took off shoes and spectacles only and wrapped myself in the big mosquito-net I carry and slept most of the night, doubled up on the seat. I was grateful to José. (This was only the third time in all my journeyings I haven't been able to undress - not so bad.) We left ^[[insertion]] in the morning [[/insertion]]with nothing but a small (demitasse) of cafe [[vertical blue pencil mark in left margin]] no bread. [In the interior, except in towns big enough to have a paderia, ^[[insertion below paderia]] (bakery) [[/insertion below line]] there is no [[/blue line in margin]] bread.]