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21   [[pencil, not AC's hand]] Apr 1, 1930 [[/pencil]]
pins. She looked at me in a dull surprise and carried it off into a dark cubby hole off the kitchen without a smile or a word - poor soul. I was glad not to see any children in such a "home", - probably a dozen dead. We expected to make Sta Rita Araguaya Friday night, but a river, Rio Ortega, which cars ford, was so high, [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]][[insertion]] two [[/insertion] men from the other car waded across and got oxen from a fazenda. I went collecting until dark, getting an Oryza [[underlined in blue]] new [[/underlined in blue]] for me, [[strikethrough in blue]] O. subulata I suppose, [[/strikethrough in blue]] and a few other things. A caminhão came up while we waited and it grew dark.

Transcription Notes:
fazenda = farm caminhão = truck