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added their efforts. Then wouldn't I take the photos of the populace. I focused on the car and finally Jose got them all lined up. It was cloudy so I feared the result wasn't much. Then it was about 8:30 and we were to wait for almoça - I'd seen the man preparing a chicken and feared we would wait for it. Almoça over the sun came out a minute and I unwisely suggested trying another photo. Our men "hustled" the population and I kept calling "vem ca agora" and they came hurrying about as fast as a sloth moves - in spite of the fact that they were eager to be photographed. After that I asked what we were waiting for. The boatman was making a paddle. About 10 the car was 
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driven on to the ferry, and it was carried down stream around a bend. That's where we are now. The slow-moving boatman moved fast for once in trying to prevent this. His wife had another oar and his boy another. (I gave the boy a mouth-organ this morning.) The river is high and the current strong. The ferry is tied to a tree now and we are [[underlined]] waiting - [[/underlined]] I don't know what for, maybe for the river to go down. The oxen are at the other side of the ferry landing waiting for us. It doesn't bother them and their drivers to wait. When we bumped here I grabbed Hymenachne donacifolia and Panicum zizanioides, to the amusement of José. I'm more