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Swallen is getting. I am glad Mrs. Swallen is doing the mounting. And awfully sorry Mrs. Mullet is doing grasses. It makes me shudder to think to think of her depicting the "panicles of the smaller Panicums." Did you go over the old Baldwin drawings I sorted up and put in the old type cases? There are some really characteristic drawings among them, P. chamaelouche for example. However, it you like Mrs. Mullett's work I might as well keep my groans to myself.

I am glad the shelves are up in the annex. The 10-foot ladder will remind

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me of Vienna. Do you remember the safety railing around the top of the ladders there?

I enjoyed Will Rogers report of his interview with Coolidge. I certainly rejoice over the new bookcases. Now if I can get an extensible neck to enable me to get my eyes at the proper distance maybe I can find books without asking Miss Niles' help so often. You aren't troubled with non-focusing eyes, I believe. I shall enjoy seeing my rearranged room.

I wish I could hear your talk before the Bot Soc and see your slides. I'm missing a lot. ΒΆ I'm glad your trip is approved -- of course it would be in your case. But

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