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1. Mangrove marshes north of Recife. The coast of Pernambuco is built up by coral reefs and mangroves. In the distance is seen the ruins of an old fort and lighthouse.
2. Part of Paulo Affonso Falls. These falls are so broken they form a stupendous cascade. There is no one point from which the entire falls can be seen. The canyon walls are devoid of vegetation except in a few spots watered by the spray.
3. The garden at the Florestal on the Monte Serrat. The trees are Araucaria brasiliensis.
4. View from the summit of Agulhas Negras. This high region, Alta de Serra, is rich in grasses.
5. A cornfield in a palm grove, foothills of Serra de CipĆ³. Land is commonly cleared by burning. Trees that withstand fire are allowed to stand.
6. Ouro Preto, formerly called Villa Rica, the old capital of Minas Geraes in the days when there were important gold workings in the vicinity.
7. A lawn of Stenotaphrum secundatum at Dr. Rolfs' home, Vicosa. Americans in Brazil are always striving for lawns. Stenotaphrum is coarse and produces stout runners difficult to cut. This is the only lawnmower I saw in Brazil.
8. A colony of Panicum rivulare along Rio Casca, Serra da Gramma.
9. Characteristic bamboo-covered slope in Serra da Gramma.
10. Dr. Rolfs, Mrs. Chase and outfit in the foothills of Serra da Gramma.