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XVII. [[double underlined red]] Rostellata [[/double underlined red]]

  95. rostellatum ^[[Trin.- gl 1 minute]]

  96. litigiosum ^[[B? Stend. gl. 1 as long as spklt.

  [[image - left pointing arrow]] 97. haenkeanum Presl]]

XVIII. [[double underlined red]] Glutinosa [[/double underlined red]]

  100. glutinosum ^[[sw B V sp. Bello Horiz 8943]]
  101. millegrana ^[[Poir. B]]

  ^[[101 1/2 sellourii Nees [[checkmark]] ]]

  [[strikethrough]] 102. wettstainii ^[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[8943]] 

  [[strikethrough]] 103. emergens [[/strikethrough]] ^[[ [[bracket]] see paririfolia group [[/bracket]] ]]

  [[circled]] 104. enneaneuron [[/circled]] ^[[Lechler pt. = millegrana]]

XIX [[double underlined red]] Penicillata [[/double underlined red]] 

  107. flumunense ^[[Hack B?]]

  108. penicillatum ^[[ insertion]] Nees; [[/insertion]] Trin B?]] [[strikethrough]] ^[[Nees]] [[/strikethrough]]

  [[strikethrough]] 109. gracilipes [[/strikethrough]] ^[[= missionium Ekm]]

  [[strikethrough]] 110. [[/strikethrough]] ^[[109.]]  planop [[strikethrough]] teris [[/strikethrough]] ^[[tis Trin.]]

  ^[[110 (long glume 1) aff. planotis- cf vimineum Schrad]]

  ^[[111. itatiaiae n. sp. ad int ac 8327]]

  ^[[112 excavatum Henr. Balansa 2947 (descr. reads like small branch of P. penicillatum no. 108 above. Name refers to excavate area on back of fruit (where rootlet protrudes) common to all Panicum]]