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^[[ [[double underlined]] see Copy [[/double underlined]] on shelf]]
XX [[double underlined red]] Parvifolia [[/double underlined red]]
114. auricomum
115. micranthum
^[[115 + pappleri [[line]] ? (115++ arctum Swallen machrisianum Swallen]]
116. polycomum 
117. rectissimum ^[[Mez]]
118. parvifolium ^[[B [[checkmark]] ]]
119. contractum ^[[= 120]]
120. cyanescens ^[[Nees B]]
121. schwackeanum ^[[Mez]]
122. carannasense ^[[Mez]]
123. helobium ^[[Mez; Ekm.]]
124. errabundum ^[[Hitchc.]]
^[[124+ caaguazuense O]]
125. pseudisachne ^[[Mez]]
126. nervosum ^[[Lam. (commelinaefolium Rudge)]]
XXI [[double underlined red]] Pyrularia [[/double underlined red]]
129. pyrularium
130. aff. pyrularium (hirsute)

[[right margin]] 
^[[8921 Bello Horin [[checkmark]]
9068   "    " [[dittos for: Bello Horin]] [[checkmark]]
[[underlined]] puherse [[/underlined]] 9078   "    " [[dittos for: Bello Horin]] ]] 
[[/right margin]]