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XXVI [[double underline in red]] Urvilleana [[/underline]]

152. racemosum

[[strikethrough]] 153 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[164]] urvilleanum

^[[153 + smaller spklts Jorgensen 1720]]

XXVII [[double underline in red]] Dichanthoides [[/underline]]

155. demissum ^[[Trin. B]]

[[strikethrough]] 156. protractum Mez [[/strikethrough]]

^[[156 Dusen 15767 etc.]]

157. hebotes ^ [[Trin]]

158. missionum Mez not ^ [[insertion]] ^[[ipce 1917]] [[strikethrough]] ^[[mez;]] [[/strikethrough]] [[/insertion]] Ekman ^ [[1912]]

^[[V ? sp]] 159. sabulorum Lam. ^[[Barbaceua sp]]

[[underlined]] 160. fultum ^[[Hack. [[/underlined]] = villous form of 159]]


161.  Pencannum ^[[Phil]]

162.  sciruotes ^[[Trin.]]

163.  stigmosum ^[[Trin.]]

^[[164 superatum Hack. - in Dicanthelium in types]]
[[line]]  [[strikethrough]] ^[[164+ latiglume Döll]] [[strikethrough]]

^[[164+ latiglume Doll]]

[[image - arrow pointing right]] § [[double red underline]] Dichantelium [[/underline]]

165. strigosum ^[[Muhl.]]

166. arenicoloides ^[[Ashe]]

^[[ [[checkmark]]? ]] 167. multirameum ^[[Scuh]]

^[[167a leucothrix]]

168. acuminatum ^[[Sw.]]

169. olivaceum ^[[H. & C.]]

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed w. minor edits - @siobhanleachman