Viewing page 13 of 78

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170. polycladum ^[[Ekm. [[line]] hebotes Trin]]
171. sphaerecarpon ^[[Ell.]]
172. viscidellum ^[[Scribn. [[checkmark]] ]]
173. pantrichum ^[[Hack. B [[checkmark]] ? ]]
174. cordovense ^[[Fourn. B]]
[[right side of page, with arrow to insert text below previous line]] ^[[174 + missionum Ekm. (gracilipes ]] [[/right side of page]]
^[[175. ovuliferum Trin.]]
17^[[6]]. dusenii ^[[Hack.]]
[[strikethrough]] aff. dusenii ^[[176 + sylvestrec]] [[/strikethrough]] 
^[[= cleistog form of 175]]
17^[[7]]. rhizogonum ^[[Hack]]
[[strikethrough]] 17^[[8]]. unilineatum [[/strikethrough]] ^[[cleistog form of missionum Ekm.]]
^[[XXVIII]] [[double underlined in red]] Rivulares [[/double underlined in red]]
179. rivulare
180. prionitis [[strikethrough]] ^[[ [2 species under this name B]] [[/strikethrough]]
181. grumosum
182. gynerioides
183. excelsum ^[[Nees = ruvulare]]
184. grande
185. stagnatile

Transcription Notes:
edited for handwritten inserts Prv. pages used "Trin" so have edited for consistency. - @siobhanleachman