Viewing page 15 of 78

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[blank page]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[left column]] 
204. megastachyum Nees ipse 1829 [[strikethrough]] ^[[trymirabile Mez]] [[/strikethrough]] 
205. [[strikethrough]] magiston [[/strikethrough]] ^[[mertensii B]]
206. obovatum
[[strikethrough]] 207. olyroides ^[[B]] [[strikethrough]] ^[[207 + [[strikethrough]] Papenovii ad int [[/strikethrough]] cervicatus n. sp. ad int]]
208. procurrans ^[[B]]
209. repandum
^[[210. scabridum]]
[[strikethrough]] 210. superatum 
211. taretifolium 
212. trinerve [[/strikethrough]] ^[[= Briza]]
[[strikethrough]] 213. trinii [[/strikethrough]]
214. vaginatum 
OUT [[strikethrough]] STANDING [[/strikethrough]] ^[[lying]] SPECIES
215. aristellum
216. arnacites ^[[B]]
217. Fiebrigii ^[[(]] Mez ^[[)]] not Hack.
218. najadum ^[[-]]
219. perforatum ^[[Nees]]
[[strikethrough]] 220. sandiense [[/strikethrough]]
^[[221 trahchystachyum Nees]]
[[/left column]]

[[right column]]
 221. trachys [[strikethrough]] permum [[/strikethrough]] tachgua
219} alum
[[/right column]]

Transcription Notes:
Page transcribed as two columns. Minor edits - @siobhanleachman Corrected numbering