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Nov. 25th
Got up at 5 a.m. shaved, read pap. in bathroom with light in front room
reorganized belongings in grip & suitcase
Had breakfast Officers Club at 8 a.m.
(10 1/2 hrs to Hickham Field, Hawaii (arr 11.p.m.?)
[[line across page]]
Sheep intelligence [[fide?]] Crowell & mink!
2 hr. time diff. Travis to Honolulu 3.30p.m
Left Travis at 3:00
Arr: 1:30 [[insertion]] a.m. [[/insertion]] our time (Travis
[[line]] 11:30 p.m Haw time
To G.I. quarters {as compared [[double underlined]] with Travis [[/underlined]]
to bed at 1 a.m.
Long delay in air

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[[start page]]

26th November 1962
Up at 5 p.m
[[line across page]]
terminal & at immigration desk, finally to room to bed at 1 a.m. Down time 
Awoke at 4 a.m turned [[once?]] up at 5 shaved and dressed & sat around till 6
John [[insertion]] Jack [[/insertion]] got up & dressed
I started letter, breakfast at 7.30, to town at 8:30 after walking to PX with Jack, called [[Sarah?]] no answer could not hear Roy on phone so proceed to town & phoned him again from Woolworth [[circled]]'[[/circled]] s He came & picked [[underlined]] me [[/underlined]] up
Went to Tropics for lunch