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Dec. 14 [[boxed text on right]] [[double underlined]] Dec 13. [[/double underlined]] Left at 9:30 [[/boxed text]] [[circled]] Arr at 6 a.m. on 14th [[/circled]] [[line across page]] [[line across page]] Dec 13th Check in 1:30 Be on Hand 7:30 Hang around Board plane 9:00 Depar 9:30 p.m. [[line across page]] Dec. 15 went out to ice Hole Houses with Laird Got a lot of fish in one of two traps. other empty & lots of amphipods from bait [[insertion]] bait [[/insertion]] (seal) meat. {Got dozen fish or so but did {not see anything happen after {wards; killed two in house _ seemed me he pickled most of those he got. Got more next day (now on 21st says do not fish traps so much now. [[end page]] [[start page]] Dec 15th 1962 at McMurdo Temp at 6 a.m. = 15, noon 18 & 8 p.m. 18 sun up [[double line across page]] [[underlying text, in blue]] Haemaroids common [[/underlying text]] [[insertion]] Haemaroids common from sitting on [[strikethrough]] the [/strikethrough]] can. [[/insertion]] [[line across page]] Dec. 16th - [[arrow up]] [[insertion]] to bed at 1:30 a.m. [[/insertion]] snow flurry in a.m. and again at 3-4 p.m. Weather to bad to go out to see Edisto lying 6 miles off shore. Arneb is due in [[line across page]] Cold cuts noon meal did have hot soup & baked beans though, lot of fellows were out collecting, [[wavy underlined]] the lichen boys [[/underlined]]