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[[text rotated left 90 degrees]]

Field Work Staten Id. 1958-1959
spec. will contribute to studies of age food habits & distr. of several spp. of fish
[[underlined]] Coll. by Miller, R. [[insertion]] = Dept. Zool = [[/insertion]] Long Beach State Coll., Calif.
((Extravagant claims?)) [[/underlined]]

Specimens are being examined at U.S. National Mus. Geo. Vanderbilt Foundation, & Long Beach State College
[[series of three lines across page]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[circled]] * [[/circled]] Diving in Antarctic Waters by M. Neushul (Dept Botany, Univ. Wash. The Polar Record Jan. [[underlined]] 1961 [[/underlined]] Vol. 10 No. 67
[[line across page]]

[[circled]] * [[/circled]] Photographs of Antarctic Bottom Fauna by J.S. Bullivant  N.Z. Oceanog. Inst. [[insertion]] Vol. 10. [[/insertion]] No. 68. The Polar Record pp. 505-508. May 1961

[[/text rotated left 90 degrees]]