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[[circled]] 5 [[/circled]]
suggested to Leonard, the navy photog that he take the blue & white flag that is raised half way when copters are taking off & all way when they land.(?) I did, and also man in asbestos suit who stands by in case of accident; boat [[strikethrough]] chre [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] crew [[/insertion]] is also in launch in readiness to be lowered if need be. 
Saw Mr. Cunningham in charge of engineering dept. re traps, and stand for funnels. 
One blue light did not flash, but nobody noticed. /// 
January 7, 196 [[strikethrough]] 2[[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] 3 [[/insertion]] Monday.
Crossing the International Date line 2 days in succession are Monday the 7th This today is the second Monday. 
Warm outside 52° and before and during part of breakfast period a light rain stopped about 7 a.m (bed 6:30 and 7:00)       
Birds seem to be only the wandering albatross, younger and intermediate stages but still great birds. Yesterday fornoon saw at least one giant petrel among the albatrosses may have been more, probably were. 
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Position Monday Jan. 7, 1963 (1st)
50°10'S. 175°30'W.
[[in box]] Distance run [[/in box]]
Monday Jan. 7, 1963 (2nd.
[[underlined]] Lat 53°15.25'/167°37'.00(W) [[/underlined]]
[[in box]] 07/0800
171°00' [[/in box]]

60[[underlined]] S [[/underlined]] - 150 [[underlined]] W [[/underlined]]
distance = [[underlined]] 673 [[/underlined]] m