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[[insertion, clipping from ship's bulletin]]
10 JAN -- Posit 62-46.4S 142-06.7W. SOA 13.7 kts. First berg sighted 62-24S 144-20W Have passed about 50 small bergs since. [[/insertion]]

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[[circled]] 10 [[/circled]]

Here we are – Thursday Jan 10, 1963. 5 p.m. It got pretty rough yesterday, ditto today, ship was rolling from 20-25- to 30 degrees. Had one roll of 38⁰. There may have been a worse one or two last night. But everything is going well regardless, the spray is leaping and falling aboard in great sheet. The wind is fierce and cold - 33⁰ with ice bergs going by off and on. Jack Crowell tells me at one time 11 were in sight mid afternoon. I was culling through the British Admiralty sailing directions yesterday and today because there was not much else you could do and that was something I did not get to do before I started. At 4:30 quite a spectacular, through smaller berg went by; at one time looked like a monument or temple on a platform. [[image: sketch of block on platform]] I missed sun shining on it while running for camera; the pilot house to which I occasionally resort is high up and way [[insertion in box]] forward [[/insertion]] and in bad weather we have lots of inside ladders to climb. The rocking back forth (the rolling is a nuisance but not too bad.