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[[circled]] 12 [[/circled]]
[[boxed]] Friday - Jan 11 - 63 [[/boxed]] 
Thump as we strike one of the larger pcs. of floating ice; some must be 20 or 30 feet square (or in extent). // All morning every body was photoing bergs, one seemed to be more soil than ice. ~ one could almost imagine people living on it. Another tall originally tubular one had a great arch or natural bridge in it a pretty sight. I put on my "long johns" as Jack calls them this morning. That now obviates the putting on & taking off of heavier clothing every time you step out of doors temperature is like McMurdo ±, 35° this afternoon. We are back in the all-nite sun area again, though you can't see much of it in the heavily over cast sky. /// Tonite we have been out just about 8 days and have a couple of more to go. This overcast weather Capt McDonald says is the rule in Palmer land one day of sun in 3 or more days. 
  Also fixed up an account of my life, a sort of "whos who" for the once a week ship's paper. One of the Jr. Lts run's the paper had has interviewed each one of us civilians aboard. I'll try to get an extra copy or two, (just for ducks?)

Transcription Notes:
Shifting carbon possible led to first line of last paragraph overlapping the last line of the previous one. Many marks are transfers from previous carbons. In "All morning..." sentence "every body" goes across two lines, no hyphen. 2nd sentence from the end "One of the Jr. Lts runs": reads "run's", possibly because of carbon change.