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[[insertion, newsletter clipping]] 
12 JAN -- Posit 67-48.0S 124-59.0W. SOA 11.9 kts. Reached area of 5/10 ice coverage at 67-48S 126-42W. Proceeding east through edge of pack. Block and small bergs sighted, mostly northern edge of pack.

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[[circled]] 13 [[/circled]]
Saturday Jan 12/63 
Running through ice cakes all day. Ship bucks, and trembles as she hits and overrides them. Most of day heavily overcast, snow flurries too, one [[strikethrough]] then [[/strikethrough]] after another. One full of sharp ice crystals that stung the face, one crystal struck me on the eye ball, a sharp sting. Now and then an iceberg of considerable size. As I write this at 9 p.m. the ship is still climbing upon ice-pans and shuddering as they break ^[[insertion]] to [[/insertion]] either side and she plows on again. All this is done at half speed sometimes less, which will slow up the whole trip, but Mar. 15 is still the day we leave Palmerland for Valparaiso.

[[circled]] 7 pm [[/circled]] While up in piolothouse with glasses saw a snow petrel dive into the water - go completely under and come out again and fly on. could not see what it might have had in bill - imagined it had - but it did go in water; just before that it skimmed water to pick up something and got half wet. Then at 8 p.m. a black headed petrel flew by, under parts grey or white, [[strikethrough]] bill [[/strikethrough]] black it seemed.  Most of day heavily overcast visibility poor. had [[underlined]] sun [[/underlined]] though for 2-3 hours in mid afternoon. Temp at 8:30 32°F.