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[[insertion, clipping from ship's bulletin]] 16 JAN -- Posit 66-28.0S 79-39.0W. SOA 13.0 kts. 90 bergs. Enroute Palmer Peninsula. [[/insertion]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[circled]] 16 [[/circled]] [[underlined]] Wednesday Jan. 16/63[[/underlined]] Temp this a.m 8 a.m. 35° Quite clear warm following sea, good wind from aft. following sea/ sooty Albatross ? Silvergreys [[insertion]] 6-8 [[/insertion]] numerous cape pigeon one or two while I was on deck, and several snow petrels. Walked about a bit. Looked after fish lines, leaders etc for Poblette Dredge is too big. I asked for 2/3's size [[line across page]] Not so bright in afternoon as usual started clouding up. Get to Anvers Id area tomorrow nite. I.// Tom Berg wishes to climb mountains - would jeopardize whole trip if something happened Phil Smith put him on, but he is former Wisconsin man. [[line across page]] Helicopter pilot gave us briefing on survival gear Mae West Vests, floats [[insertion]] & rig [[/insertion]] for hoisting us aboard flares, life raft on which we sit in plane, and how to behave when hits water, or crashes on [[underlined]] land [[/underlined]]. [[line across page]] A note on 15th Jan. Leonard undertook to photo penguin plate in Alexander Oceanic Birds some of bergs photo'd should definite wind sculpturing, like dunes in New Zealand, [[underlined]] Indiana, or Arizona? [[/underlined]] (These last wind sculpture rocks, canyons I have only seen in pictures Mr. Cunningham Chief Eng will fix water pipe for tow net