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[[insertion, clipping from ship's bulletin]] 
17 JAN -- SOA 12.0 kts. Arrived Adelaide Island. Conducted air recon west side south to British base. No ice. Marguerite Bay for 15 miles. To south. In view good ice condition intend recon Marguerite Bay including visit British base, U.S. hut at Stonington. As low passes will proceed to north with improving weather. [[/insertion]]
[[underlined]] Fossil Bluff [[/underlined]] is 500 miles south of Adelaide Id.

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[[circled]] 17 [[/circled]]
Jan 17 Thurday '63 
This morning 7:30 (up at 7 hour late for me, an ice free sea as of the moment no ice berg in sight; temperature 36° Now at 9:30 its 37°. Our weather man Malin[[strikethrough]] k [[/strikethrough]] oski, "Ski" they call him says in by N. End of Adelaide Id toward which we are heading to make our first land fall/at base of Antactic Pen. we shall be running into bad weather ^ [[insertion]] and [[/insertion]] snow and meet up with ice. He said, also radar showed an ice berg up ahead. On deck there is great activity looking over boat stores. One has to be prepared for eventualities, if you get wreck, smashed in inshore ice, and/or bad weather descends you may be on your own for several days, till storm blows out, visibility comes back. In a so called white out you are lost completely, - impossible to see where you are going [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] or [[/insertion]] should be going. Poble[[strikethrough]] tte [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] Poblete [[/insertion]] has traps all rigged ready to go. Shall be putting out 3 traps first time around. Right now depth is about 250 fms are rapidly getting onto continental shelf. On reaching [[strikethrough]] [[th]] [[/strikethrough]] 100 fm line we turned out a bit running down toward [[strikethrough]] Adelaide Ba [[/strikethrough]] Maguretie Bay.