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[[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] Rodolpho Merlino (Mecanico de Armianmento Castelli 5712, Carapachay (Bs.Ar) Argentina
[[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] Neri [[strikethrough]] Vagar [[/strikethrough]] Nazario Diaz Meterodologista Ecudaor, 927, (Meteodologista Rosario (Santa Fe) Argentina
[[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] Jorge A. Martinez Obispo San Alberto 3414 Capital Federal; Argentina)
[[circled]] 4 [[/circled]] Jorge A[[strikethrough]] B [[/strikethrough]]eras [[insertion]] Aberas [[/insertion]] Turi (Mecanico de Avion) Espora 618 Ramos [[strikethrough]] Media [[/strikethrough]] Mejio Argentina. 
[[circled]] 5 [[/circled]] 
{Oscar Pacheco (Mecanico de Radia) 
{Jose In[[underlined]] genieros [[/underlined]] 974 
{Villa Maria - Cordoba, Argentina.
[[circled]] 7 [[/circled]] Mauricio Anddrada (Mecanico motoristo) Corvalan 368 Capital Federal, Argentina
[[circled]] 8 [[/circled]] Juan Carlos Villarroel (Cocinero) Calle 4 No. 215 Barrio Mendoza - Rosario, Argentina
crevasse = grieto, small crack as we have it too "fisura"

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[[circled]] 59 [[/circled]]
[[underlined]] Feb. 16. Saturday 1963 [[/underlined]]

After bucking ice all forenoon, got chance at going ashore at Argentine Base here on the ice shelf. It is a more or less motorized group with 5 snow cats and a host of sledges and supplies and materials (lumber for building a I permanent station 17 miles farther inland on this ice shelf). About present one crevasses are forming they took us out to one nearby & tied a rope on the first man in case he got too close & slipped. Crevasse did not show except as a depression in the snow - had an ominous feel just looking at it. [[strikethrough]] ThiNe [[/strikethrough]] This was several hundred yards away. There was a smaller ^[[insertion]] crevasse [[/insertion]] one close by the houses by probing; the one man showed it to us. [[strikethrough]] I went as den [[/strikethrough]] We were invited into one of the trailer units divided into 3 rooms. We all sat around a tine 10 foot square room, They passed a bottle containing. I believe a liquor that was likorice, (like creme de Cácoa.) and then handed me a strong cup of coffee, with plenty of sugar. We were ashore scarcely an hour. 
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[[boxed text]] Jack and I stayed behind while rest of party [[insertion]] [[circled]] in Bell helo [[/circled]][[/insertion]] [[underlined]] Comdr. Lewis, Capt. McDonald, Archie Nash [[/underlined]], Interperatere. [[/boxed text]]
Of the Argentinos only Merlino spoke a bit of English [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] so I had to try my very poor Spanish on them, they were appreciative - thats when drinks and coffee came out, and Merlino even [[insertion]] wanted [[/insertion]] gave me 2 choc. bars [[strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]] and his Spanish English Book, I declined one of the bars