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I congratulated Miss Glass on this bunch of "Gobs" and upon her work generaly
Thursday September 26
Had another interview with Kammel (or is it Cambell?) and lunched at the "Snow ball" with Rose Glass and Miss Sedgwick and gave them some instruction about the Christmas show
Saw Tom. who seemed about normal again and expects to get out tomorrow - Said good bye to him - he is a dear - and most sympathetic friend - and in work together entirely harmoniously - He has made a notable contribution to the Summers work - the giving of his two pageants has been out of the common significant and a decidedly successful attempt to let the soldiers of the A.E.F. put over a dramatic work - of a very high grade -  I hate to have him go. and shall greatly miss him - 
At three oclock left for Rennes. arriving there at 9 and walked through interminable long. dark wet streets - to Hotel Moderne and got to bed in Room 57. - this bed was down at the head - but otherwise was a satisfactory article for its purpose - and I am glad enough to shut up this book - off the light and up my eyes - and go to sleep
Friday September 27
This morning I went to the Y.M.C.A H.Q. and found Mr. Cray a "live one" if a bit rough. outwardly we had a talk. he was glad